When your city is pretty big, you may face the not enough goods to sell Cities Skylines issue:

In this guide, I will explain where it comes from and how to fix the Cities Skylines not enough goods to sell issue.
Reason Behind not Enough Goods Cities Skylines Issue
The Cities Skyline not enough goods to sell issue happens to commercial zones. To understand the reason behind the City Skyline not enough goods to sell issue you need to understand how the supply chain works.
Your industries produce goods that are necessary for your commercial zones to operate. If your industries don’t produce enough goods then those goods will be imported.
If commercial zones somehow don’t get those goods then you face the issues above.
In most cases, the City Skylines not enough goods issue is triggered by traffic issues but let’s dive deeper.

How to Fix City Skylines not Enough Goods to Sell
- Traffic jams don’t allow trucks to arrive on time. Regular traffic management tips are advised.
- It is possible that a heavy traffic ban policy is applied for some districts and trucks can get to your commercial zones. Try removing the policy to fix the not enough goods to sell Cities Skyline issue.
- If you have only some specialized industry (let’s say, forestry only) then all other goods will be imported and affected by traffic issues. Same here, work on your traffic, and create alternative ways for import such as cargo harbor, train station, and cargo airport.